AI and the arts: A new cultural frontier

AI and the arts: A new cultural frontier

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In this show we’re reflecting on the rise of the machines, as AI-generated arts are becoming a mainstay of the cultural landscape. As Paris hosts the Artificial Intelligence Action Summit, we ask: what does its prevalence mean for creativity, for the cultural industries and for the artists who might be replaced by machines?

Contemporary artist and researcher Justine Emard tells us how she harnesses AI tools to better embody the ideas she is exploring in her artwork. Her project “Hyperphantasia” draws inspiration from the Paleolithic cave drawings of southern France and connects them to contemporary advances in art with the help of machine-learning technology.

And Pierre Fautrel, of the Obvious collective, joins us to talk about the philosophical and material question of authorship with regards to the portrait of the fictional, AI-generated “Edmond de Bellamy” that he co-created, and which was sold at auction by Christie’s for $432,500 in 2018.


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