Music show: Frànçois & The Atlas Mountains on loss and life

Music show: Frànçois & The Atlas Mountains on loss and life

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On today’s show, Jennifer Ben Brahim chats with the bandleader of Frànçois & The Atlas Mountains. Francois Marry’s band first took root in Bristol back in 2011 and is now back with their sixth album “Âge Fleuve” or “River Age”: an introspective and life affirming record, full of ear-catching melodies and jazz flourishes. Influenced by the loss of his father during the pandemic, the new album also takes inspiration from Marry’s new home in the Landes – a place full of nature in southwest France.

We also discuss the biggest show of the year so far – the Super Bowl halftime show with US rapper Kendrick Lamar. The powerful performance added further fuel to the fire that is the feud between Kendrick Lamar and Drake. His performance included his Grammy-winning diss track “Not Like Us”.


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