South Africa has also been racing to pivot its HIV treatment plans in the wake of the US withdrawal of global aid. Determined not to be undercut by Trump and to keep its hands on the tiller, the Department of Health has set its sights on increasing the number of people on treatment by one million by the end of the year.
Also, Lesotho is one of many countries where American money distributed through USAID has made a huge difference to lives over the years. Trump’s administration has made huge cuts to aid and international development programmes. And since the rug has been pulled out from under them, Lesotho’s HIV programme has been forced to lay off at least 1,500 health workers; South Africa has also been scrambling to reorient its HIV management plans in the wake of the US withdrawal… but those managing the issue remain determined to hold the line.
Finally, Tobacco use may be on the decline worldwide, but the industry is far from dying out, and in some parts of the world it wields considerable economic power. Zimbabwe is Africa’s biggest tobacco producer and, despite a public health campaign to discourage people from taking up the habit, the country expects sales to rise this year… topping the $1.4 billion it earned from tobacco exports last year. Sharon Mazingaizo was on the auction floor Wednesday as markets opened for the new season.
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