The planet’s predominant superpower prides itself on its rules-based order and a constitution that codifies and sets in stone the transfer of power through the ballot box, a model and values the United States tries to impose on the world scene. But for all the laws, all the rules, there is Mao’s line about political legitimacy, that “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”
With the election of Donald Trump and the January 6th 2021 storming of the US Capitol, America deviated from the traditional left versus right divide, and now – five days out from an election that is too close to call – could that model change again?
We will ask about the security and legitimacy of a process that has already begun with 60 million ballots cast in early voting.
Could the model of governance really change inside the nation that is home to Wall Street and Silicon Valley, that has kept the peace inside Nato, that defends South Korea and patrols the Pacific? If so, what is the plan for the rest of the planet?
Today, in the France 24 Debate: is US democracy under duress?
Produced by Rebecca Gnignati, Elena Colonna and Ilayda Habip.
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