Music show: Kendrick Lamar drops surprise album 'GNX'

Music show: Kendrick Lamar drops surprise album ‘GNX’

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arts24 © FRANCE 24

From the show


In this arts24 music show, Jennifer Ben Brahim tells us about the big album release of the week: rapper Kendrick Lamar’s “GNX”. The surprise record pays homage to the California hip-hop artist’s roots, with a heavy dose of West Coast rap. The album comes as Lamar is set to perform at this year’s Super Bowl halftime show, and ahead of the Grammy awards where he has seven nominations under his belt. Jennifer is also joined on set by the most British of French musicians, Maddy Street. The singer-songwriter and videographer grew up in Normandy, France with their British parents. Their music blends together rock, pop, rap and electro with autobiographical lyrics. They have just released their EP “Heart Choices” and are on tour around France.


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