Did Syrian rebels expect they would succeed in taking the capital and toppling Assad?

Did Syrian rebels expect they would succeed in taking the capital and toppling Assad?

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Middle East

Rebeldes sirios presionan su avance relámpago el sábado 7  de diciembre, mientras las fuerzas gubernamentales se atrincheran para defender la ciudad central clave de Homs para tratar de salvar el Gobierno.

Rebeldes sirios presionan su avance relámpago el sábado 7 de diciembre, mientras las fuerzas gubernamentales se atrincheran para defender la ciudad central clave de Homs para tratar de salvar el Gobierno. EFE – MOHAMMED AL RIFAI

Syrian rebels declared President Bashar al-Assad’s ouster after seizing control of Damascus, forcing him to flee and ending his family’s decades of rule after more than 13 years of civil war in a seismic moment for the Middle East. Did the rebel forces themselves expect they would succeed in taking the capital? FRANCE 24’s William Hilderbrandt asked Jerome Drevon, senior analyst on jihad and modern conflict at International Crisis Group.


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