What will become of Bashar al-Assad now that he has been ousted by Syrian rebles?

What will become of Bashar al-Assad now that he has been ousted by Syrian rebles?

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Middle East

Des manifestants ont brisé un portrait du portrait Bachar al-Assad à Hama, le 7 décembre, après la prise de contrôle de cette ville par les rebelles islamistes.

Des manifestants ont brisé un portrait du portrait Bachar al-Assad à Hama, le 7 décembre, après la prise de contrôle de cette ville par les rebelles islamistes. © Omar Haj Kadour, AFP

Syrian rebels have toppled President Bashar al-Assad after a lightning offensive which in under two weeks has seen major cities slip from government’s fingers, culminating in rebels capturing the capital Damascus. What will become of the former president now? Answer by Radwan Ziadeh, executive director at the Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies.


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