Too fast to process? The global challenges of artificial intelligence

Too fast to process? The global challenges of artificial intelligence

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As France and India co-host an AI summit in Paris, we ask if technology has advanced too far beyond our control and that any well-intentioned bid by world leaders to forge common rules and guidelines is too little, too late?  

Right now, it’s Silicon Valley that’s got the money to draw the best and the brightest and the cheap energy to power the bigger and bigger data centres needed for AI. With a new US administration that’s ready to start a trade war with all those in its path, how does the rest of the world defend privacy, shared natural resources – including strategic minerals mined in places like China and Africa?

And what to do about a digital age that so far seems to concentrate so much power and wealth in the hands of a few? More broadly, is the technology evolving faster than humanity can process its potentials and its dangers? We’ll ask our panel.

Produced by François Picard, Rebecca Gnignati, Guillaume Gougeon and Ilayda Habip.


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