Cult French film ‘La Haine’ shifts its story to the stage

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arts24 © FRANCE 24

From the show


When the cult French film “La Haine” came out 30 years ago, it sent shockwaves through the world of French cinema. The movie has now been adapted for a musical; our reporters went to La Seine Musicale theatre to check it out. Meanwhile, Lyon is currently hosting its contemporary art biennale, with hundreds of pieces popping up in the streets and in venues around the city. This year’s theme is “Crossing the Water” and includes artwork from all over the world. Plus, we take a look at a celebration of pop art at the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris entitled “Pop Forever, Tom Wesselman &…”. The show shines a light on artists from the 20th and 21st centuries and the far-reaching influence of pop.


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