Free speech in Trump's America: Drawing up the battlelines

Free speech in Trump’s America: Drawing up the battlelines

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US President, Donald Trump, likes to say he’s the protector of free speech. Yet, his administration has already threatened Democratic Congress members with investigation for criticizing conservatives while withdrawing federal grants that include language it opposes. This as it sanctioned law firms that represent Trump’s political opponents and arrested the Palestinian organizer of student protests that Trump criticized as “anti-Semitic, anti-American.” The US president stripping back the government-funded news organisation Voice of America as he accused it of being “anti-Trump” and “radical”. So will free speech survive in America? And are we merely witnessing the opening salvos of a war on so-called wokeism?

Produced by Rebecca Gnignati, Elisa Amiri, Ilayda Habip, Juliette Laffont.


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