Live: Macron takes world on first tour inside Paris’s restored Notre-Dame cathedral

Live: Macron takes world on first tour inside Paris’s restored Notre-Dame cathedral

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On November 29, eight days before its official reopening, Macron is bringing the world with him inside the renewed and repaired Notre-Dame on a two-hour televised inspection tour. It is the first time that the reconstruction work is being shown to the public.

When the 12th-century Gothic masterpiece burned down in 2019, Macron promised not only to rebuild it within five years, but to make it “even more beautiful” than before, a target that the French authorities now say has been met.

Some 250 companies and hundreds of experts were mobilised for a restoration costing €700 million in pure donations in what was dubbed the “building site of the century”.

All 2,000 people who contributed to the work have been invited to Friday’s event, of whom at least 1,300 are expected to attend.

“This final site visit is an opportunity to thank them in particular – from wood craftsmen to those of metal and stone, from scaffolders to roofers, from bell makers to art restorers, from gilders to masons and sculptors, from carpenters to organ builders, from architects, archaeologists, engineers and planners to logistical or administrative functions,” Macron said ahead of the visit.

Accompanied by his wife Brigitte, Macron will inspect the key areas of the cathedral including the nave, choir and chapel.

(FRANCE 24 with AP, AFP)


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