The Covid Backlash: Trump targets UN World Health Organization

The Covid Backlash: Trump targets UN World Health Organization

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In a crowded Paris metro car or at the counter of a bustling café, it’s easy to forget what loomed over us just five years ago.Yet, on the fifth anniversary of the first Covid-19 lockdown in Wuhan, China, the headlines tell a different story: Donald Trump, on his first day back in office, signing an order for the United States to withdraw from the World Health Organization.We’ll examine why the UN health body might lose its largest donor and discuss the grievances surrounding global health leadership. Are we dealing with fringe anti-vaccine groups—or a more profound dissatisfaction?And just as many who fell ill in the early days of the pandemic continue to battle long Covid, have the fear, isolation, and anxiety from lockdowns left a lasting mark on our politics? Five years on, Covid is barely part of the conversation. What crucial issues remain unresolved?

Produced by François Picard, Rebecca Gnignati, Guillaume Gougeon and Annarosa Zampaglione.


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