Israel-Hamas: Back to war ? Over 400 Palestinians killed & fears for Israeli hostages

Israel-Hamas: Back to war ? Over 400 Palestinians killed & fears for Israeli hostages

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Israel as we speak is bringing the war back to the people of the Gaza Strip, notably launching a ground operation to take back control of the Netzarim Corridor.This followed the extensive bombardment of Tuesday, March 18th – with over 400 Palestinians killed. Out of those 400 plus, Israel says there were five senior Hamas leaders who were killed.

Where does this leave the quest for peace in the Middle East?

In Jerusalem this Wednesday, demonstrations called for peace and the safe return of the remaining Israeli hostages held by Hamas since October 7th 2023.

With a peace deal phase 1 expired and not renewed, with accusations of breaking the accord on both sides, and now with Israel’s all out assault taking the region back into a war scenario, there are many questions on where this might lead.

Produced by Rebecca Gnignati, Ilayda Habib and Aurore Laborie. 


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